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North American Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Protected Areas Conservation

Purposeful international collaboration between North American land management agencies

About Us

The North American Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Protected Areas Conservation (NAPA Committee) fosters the exchange of ideas, experiences, best practices, and innovative solutions on shared conservation opportunities. NAPA comprises six of the largest North American land and resource management agencies, which together manage 15% of the continental landmass.

National Commission for Natural Protected Areas
Parks Canada
US National Park Service Logo
US Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service

The North American Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Protected Areas Conservation

El Comité Intergubernamental de Cooperación para la Conservación de Áreas Protegidas de América del Norte

Le Comité intergouvernemental nord-américain de coopération pour la conservation des aires protégées

Partner / Socio / Partenaire:

United States Geological Survey



fostering inclusivity

Fostering Inclusivity and Respect

Engagement With Indigenous Peoples in the Management and Presentation of Protected Areas in North America

north american temperate grasslands

North American Temperate Grasslands

Continent-Scale Landscape Conservation Design for Temperate Grasslands of the Great Plains and Chihuahuan Desert

conservation in north america

Conservation in North America

An Analysis of Land-Based Conservation in Canada, Mexico, and the United States by NAPA Agencies

fostering inclusivity

Relevance: Wilderness & Protected Areas

Ensuring the Relevance of Wilderness and Protected Areas in a Changing World

valuing ecosystem services

Valuing Ecosystem Services

Our Life Support, Resources of Wilderness & Protected Areas of North America

responding to climate change

Responding to Climate Change

North American Protected Areas as Natural Solutions to Climate Change

marine wilderness

Marine Wilderness & Protected Areas

The Relevance of Marine Protected Areas in Protecting Critical Ecosystem Services and Supporting Sustainable Communities